Soon after that, an unknown person leaked the picture, in the same social network, which may be the final version of that notebook, which has a very similar appearance like the Apple’s MacBook Pro has, even with the same silver color tone. Although the photo shows a notebook with silver finish, but, it is not possible to say whether it will have the single body made of aluminum or not. As we can not say that the symbol or logo of the company, represented by the “Mi” also lights up as the apple of the MacBook does. Hence, still no concrete information about the hardware has been confirmed so far, but rumors indicate that the notebook will have fourth-generation Intel Core i7 Processor, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 760M GPU and 8GB of DDR4 RAM. Another speculation brought by the Chinese website My Drivers which indicates that the device can be sold with two screen options or variants, 12.5-inch and one 13.3 inches. Unexpectedly, these specifications are also very similar to the Apple’s MacBook Pro. Hence, this source also states that the Mi Notebook may come with Microsoft’s Windows 10 operating system pre-installed. The Xiaomi is best known in the world for their low-cost smartphones, such as Mi Redmi 2 Prime. But the Chinese smartphone manufacturer Xiaomi also engages in the production of tablets, wearables and even action cam that supports 4K to compete with the GoPro as well. Now the company has only left the PC zone, which the company is going to fulfill with its upcoming device the Mi Notebook.

Xiaomi s Leaked Mi Notebook Image Reveals A MacBook Pro clone - 45